OBDII Protocol Detector & Break Out Box
Product characteristics:
1. In the process of using decoder, error can be found and diagnosed OBD connector link. 2. You can monitor the OBD interface voltage and ground, showed low voltage. Display diagnostic stitching error. 3. Jump for OBD interface signals. Signal lines such as decoder of 7 to 15 vehicles online. 4. Rapid detection of OBD2 diagnostic connector whether every stitch of the normal communication. 5. Replace the battery, save the car data function. When replace the battery, plug OBD2 connector into the car, at the same time connect additional power to the control box, so that ensure vehicle data is not lost.
This OBDII Protocol Detector & Break Out Box has wide range of applications in diagnostics, key programming:
- To monitor data steam while performing test on vehicle using a Scantool. This makes it possible for you to both execute a test and simultaneously monitor the testing process.
- Display testing voltage on the car or truck
- Display communicating pin number
- Is an extension of OBD Diagnostic Link Connector (DLC)
- For short circuiting of pins
- To detect isolated circuits problems
- Is a power extension cord for small DC testers that need an external power source (maximum 1.2 amps.)
- To test circuits with a meter or scope.
- To check Power (Pin 16), Chassis Ground (Pin 4) and Signal Ground (Pin 5)
- Save ECU data when replacing vehicle battery.
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Whatsapp: +86 17308368390
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