Comment verifier mini key tool tokens dans xhorse app

Matched product:

Xhorse VVDI Mini Key Tool VVDI Key Tester Remote Maker Sans ID48 96bit Ni Jeton Gratuit

EU Livraison Xhorse VVDI Mini Key Tool VVDI Key Tester Remote Maker Sans ID48 96bit Ni Jeton Gratuit

  • Item No. SK263-F4
  • Free Shipping
Xhorse VVDI Mini Key Tool est pour générer et de copier la télécommande et la puce
Ce modèle n'inclut pas la fonction de ID48 96bit, ni 1 an Jeton
Comment verifier mini key tool tokens dans xhorse app?

Remarque: vous devez d'abord vous connecter à votre compte, puis le vérifier après avoir lié l'appareil.


How to install new Xhorse App and register VVDI Mini Key Tool ?
Check step-by-step guide below.

Step 1: Download App

There are 2 ways to download App, scan the QR code or download App from Google Play store

1)Xhorse App QR code

2) In mobile phone (Android or iOS system), seacrh “Xhorse” in Google Play Store

Step 2: Install App

Install and Open App

Scrolling app basic information display and press “TRY IT NOW”

Power on VVDI Mini Key Tool, choose “select” button

Allow Xhorse to access the device location

App will display all available devices, press the device you need to connect

Select database language and continue

Mini Key tool is connected

If App prompt there is a database update, do it

Step 3: Register Account

Go to main interface, press ME center

Press please login


Xhorse app ask to enter mobile phone to register an account

You are allowed to select area code within the app

Enter your phone number and verification code to login

Set and repeat your password

Your account has been created