Original Microtronik Autohex II HW4 BMW Full Package Scan Tool Free Shipping from UAE

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Description du produit

Autohex II BMW full functions available in BMW from ISN read write to key programming and BMW Ecu programming and coding (HexTag is included)

Original Microtronik Autohex II HW4 BMW Full Package

Autohex II HW4 and full functions available in BMW from ISN read write to key programming and BMW Ecu programming and coding (HexTag is included)

Using this kit you can do following:

Read old ISN in BMW E series for following Ecus:D62M57A0,  D62M57B0,  D60PSA0,  D50M57A0,  D50M57E1,  D60M47A0,  D60M57A0,  MEV9N46L,  ME9N45,  ME9N62,  ME9E65_6,  N73_L0,  N73_R0,  ME9N62_2,  MSV70,  MS450DS0,  N62_TUE,  N62_TUE2.
Read Long ISN (SK) in BMW E series from following Ecus:  MSV80,  MSD80,  MSD81,  MSD85,  MSD85Y,  MSS60,  MEVD176K,  ME17N45,  MED17_2,  MED17_2N,  MEV17_2,  MEV17N46,  MEVD174K, MEVD174KW,  MV1722,  MVD1722,  MEVD172,  MEVD1724,  MEVD1723, MEVD1725,  MEVD172Y,  MEVD17KW,  D70N47A0,  D70N47B0,  D71N47A0,  D71N47B0,  D71N47C0,  D71N47D0,  D72N47A0,  D72N47B0,  D73N47A0,  D73N57A0,  D73N57B0,  D73N57C0,  D73N57D0
Read Long ISN (SK) in BMW F series from following Ecus: MEVD172Y,  MEVD172,  MEVD1724,  MEVD1725,  N63TU_L0,  N63TU_R0,  S63TU_L0,  S63TU_R0
ISN Reading from Tricore Ecus by boot mode.
Indivedual Programming for any Ecu in BMW E and F series
Ecu Swapping if hardware is matched.
CAS1, CAS2, CAS3 and CAS3+ read and write ISN and SK
Key Programming For E and F series (CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4 ,CAS4+, FEM, BDC)
BMW E series EGS ISN matching with CAS
BMW F series EGS 8HP EWS Resetting
BMW E Series, F Series and G Series coding for all Ecus (calculation of Ecucoding is calculated from FA)
BMW advanced coding (manual coding)
Vehicle order modification and backup and restore from LM,FRM,...ETC
Do diagnose and service functions from Autohex II (Read and erase fault codes, data stream values, activations, reset adaptation,...)
Use BMW ISTA-D on Autohex II WVCI (BMW ISTA-D Driver)
Unlock secrity of BDC and FEM to able to: Change BDC and FEM VIN, Change BDC and FEM ISN, Mileage Reset for BDC and FEM, and making a key for BDC and FEM.
Read and write ISN of MSD85, MSD87, MSV90 in F series.
Read and write CAS 1,2,3,4 EEPROM and FLASH 100% safely using HexTag tool.
Read and write other modules from BMW,Mercedes, Audi, and others BDM protocol by HexTag tool
Modify KOMBI Mileage by HexTag tool
Renew all BMW keys, and many other brands by HexTag tool.

What you get:

Autohex II Hardware WVCI HW 4
The powerful HexTag BDM and Key programmer
BMW Software Standard License
ISN Boot Mode License
BMW Ecu Programming License
BMW Key Programming License
BMW ISTA/D driver to run dealer software
1 year technical support
1 year hardware warranty
1 year online access to online programming

Autohex II BMW Functions in Detail

Programming BMW Ecu individually

BMW Ecu Programming is an easy to use with Autohex II, it performs Flashing the Ecu with latest version,code it,Change VIN, and other functions in one step.

BMW ISN Reader and Writer Software
BMW ISN Editor Software in Autohex II lets you read ISN from DME, match it with CAS. This is essential for DME or CAS replacement, Autohex reads ISN from wide range of DME/DDE

Coding BMW Ecu individually
Autohex II Ecu coding for BMW is a straight forward function, you can choose between Auto and Manual coding to encode the Ecu you wish

BMW Ecu Manual Coding
Autohex II BMW Software can do two methods of Ecu coding, auto coding which will be calculated from FA, and a manual coding for Ecu modification

BMW Vehicle Order Editor
Autohex II BMW Software can write FA into CAS from other Ecus,backup FA in other Ecus, also you can modify the vehicle order safely

BMW EGS ISN Synchronization
Autohex II supports EGS EWS Reset for 6HP in E series and EGS EWS Reset for 8HP in F and G series, only few steps are required

CAS Firmware
For making keys, reading ISN and changing VIN for CAS which comes with specified part numbers, will not work just through direct reading, CAS Firmware function should be done to make it work

BMW Key Programming E Series And Mini
BMW Key programming by Autohex II is done by OBD, No dump is required. including CAS with latest update and all keys lost. it supports all BMW Models as well Mini cooper.

FEM and BDC Unlocking
Autohex II is the only tool that can unlock FEM/BDC without soldering, and it is the only tool that regenerates a secret file, and the only tool that can restore FEM back

1pc xAutohex II BMW Full Package

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