OPS 20Pin to 16 Pin OBD2 Cable For BMW
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BMW 20pin Cable for BMW GT1,used for those customer who has BMW GT1 but lost bmw 20pin cable or this cable damaged.
VAG COM 19.6 nouvelle version française (FR) peut faire des voitures plus récentes, et il peut utiliser avec logiciel original si vous pouvez le trouver sur Internet, mais il ne peut pas mettre à jour.
38Pin Connector For Mercedes benz
V-a-gTacho + Opel-Immo-AirBag Scanner
Update for OPEL IMMO-1 IMMO-2 and AirBag Tool
Update to last version 3.01
Latest update: VW Polo ,Seat Ibiza Cordoba 2001 - 2005, Fabia 2004 ect.
10Pin to OBD OBD2 16PIN For Opel
3Pin OBD OBD2 Lead cable For Honda
VAG CAN Commander 5.5+ Pin Reader 3.9Beta is a diagnostic tool for cars from Volkswagen Audi Group which using WP2000-CAN TP2.0 ,Full support of Audi A3/A8 - security code reading and odometer correction via OBDII.
12PIN Câble de Can Clip Diagnostic Appareil
IMMO login code read (K+CAN) read and remove fault for following cars models.
Audi 2x2 to OBD2 Adapter connecting the 2x2 port in older (1990 to 1995) pre OBD I vehicles to the OBD II connector for current generation diagnostic tools, together works with VAG-COM KKL 409. USB INTERFACE
SRS2 Sensor Emulator For Mazda And Seat
Seat occupation detector sensor emulator for all Benz W220
20PIN to 16 PIN OBD1 to OBD2 Cable For KIA
Special breakout box which enables you to access all pins on a 16 pin OBD2 connector via 4mm female banana sockets
DB25 à OBD2 Male Câble Pour Multidiag Actia J2534 Pass-Thru Device
12pin to OBD1 OBD2 connector For GM